Monday 11 April 2011

Risk Assessment

The biggest risk to consider in the outdoor location is that it is highly likely to snow before or even during filming. This creates two problems,
  • Massive drop in temperature and the risk of more slippery surfaces. To avoid discomfort or injury, all cast and crew should dress themselves appropriately for extremely cold weather and bring some kind of hot food and/or beverage. Considered as a relatively low risk because it is likely that everyone will already be dressed appropriately and we are only a short walk away from the indoor location if anyone has a problem.
  • Slippery surfaces, this problem can be avoided if all cast and crew pay attention to their surroundings, tread carefully and most importantly wear practical footwear. I would consider this a low risk because the area is much less dangerous for someone to fall in as any paved road or high street pavement. If anyone were to occur any damage by falling, a first aid kit will be on set to treat any wounds as best as possible until professional help is available.
It is possible that an open fire will be included in our film, this presents a problem itself

  • An open fire could burn someone or set something on fire if there was a mistake by any one of crew or cast. I would consider the idea of an open fire moderately dangerous because we will be constructing under safe guidelines in an area that will be either damp with rain or covered in snow so there are small risks of anything catching fire. For someone to be hurt by the fire of such small size, they would have to intentionally put themselves in the way of it which would then make it high unlikely. However, if anyone were to burn themselves somehow, a first aid kit will be ready on set to clean and dress any burns until they can be professionally tended to.
It can be tempting to consume alcohol on set under the false notion that it warms a persons body in the cold, this creates a few problems.

  • Alcohol is highly flammable, to have large amounts of it around an open fire can cause considerable risk to everyone part of the filming and anyone caught in a potential fire spread. To not have alcohol will completely rid this problem.
  • Alcohol can blur a persons judgement, all risks listed here are elevated considerably if someone decides to drink large amounts of it. Again, not having it on set will rid this problem.
  • Alcohol, despite what is commonly believed, lowers a persons overall body temperature. The combination of a lowered temperature and blurred judgement could mean that by the time somebody realises that they feel considerably cold, it can already be dangerous. Not having alcohol will rid this problem.
The second location, the indoor flashback scene being in a normal house and no particularily dangerous things included, means very little danger is there.

Done By Amanda

PowerPoint of Evaluation Questions

This is the powerpoint we have produced in order to show our evaluation answers and to test our knowledge.

Call Sheet

Call Sheet

Filming For Scene 1 - Flashback House

Cast. Location. Date. From - To (am/pm) Character.
Friday 15th January 2011

Alex Gregory
House 6pm - 8pm Main Survivor
The actor who will be playing the main character throughout the film.

Amanda Cornhill
House 6pm - 8pm Flashback Female
The actress who is playing the girlfriend of the main character Alex.

Filming For Scene 2 - Survivors Camp

Cast. Location. Date. From - To (am/pm) Character.
Saturday 16th January 2011

Alex Gregory
Run Down Shed 10 am - 1 pm Main Survivor
Place where Alex will be staying to hide away from any danger that could come across him. 

Kyle Slatter
Run Down Shed 10 am - 1 pm Cannibal Attacker
The actor who will playing the attacker at the end of our 2 minutes opening scene

Done By Aneta

Thursday 7 April 2011

Preliminary Task

Posted By AMANDA
Amanda Cornhill
Lastasha Reece - Lewis

Ash Khan

Kyle Slatter
This is my Preliminary task. As a group we had to film a character walking from one side of the door, to the other side where they then sit down and engage in a conversation with another character. This meant that dialogue had to be present in our piece of work.
We were also given a challenge which we had to include, this is known as  the 180 degree rule.

This is a rule which was created so that when there are two characters present within a scene were to look as though they had a good relationship with the camera from left and right. The camera was not allowed to go on to the oposite side of the semi-circle as this wouldnt keep the same effect throughout the scene. If this did happen, then it wouldnt keep the story running smoothly and it would create some confusion to the audience.
This rule was based on keeping the eye - to - eye matching at all time, which was to be done in every shot that was taken so that it always looked as though we were enaged in a conversation and not to someone else who wasnt in the scene.
As i was one of the characters that was present in the filiming of our Perliminary Task, there were a few things in which i found hard.
What i found hard about the Preliminary Task
Was that as i was one of the characters who appeared in it, it was very hard to try and improvise what i was to say, as having dialogue was compulsory. Also what i found hard was trying to make my eyes look as though they were always in the right direction for each shot it consists of.
What i liked about the Perliminary Task
However what i found enjoyable was that it showed me i was able to work we within a team, as well as coming up with good ideas that could have been used. This showed that i could be creative and helpful when i am needed not just for my own benefit but for the group that i was in. I was also able to have while filming which made me more relaxed when it came to actually shooting the specific shots of myself.

Preliminary Task

Posted By ANETA

We have been asked to work as a group of four people in order to produce a piece of work which was called preliminary task. We had to come up with an idea of approximately 2 minutes sequence of someone being filmed coming through the door and walking across the room to sit down. There was not a lot of dialogue used as you are able to see while you are watching the clip above. This task taught me of how to work with a group of people and teach me new media skills that were very useful later on when producing my final piece especially with the acting because as you can see I was one of the actors in this clip. However, there were some ups and downs such as: time management, the use of the camera (as this was only the second time we were able to use the equipment), lighting the characters in the clip and setting everything up so that we were able to use them. I think this experience was very useful as it taught me new things and made me realise how working with the camera is very important in order to know how to use it correctly so it reflects well on my final piece. Overall, i got to experience with different things and i learnt a lot that i put in to use while i filmed some of my final movie for my coursework, which was also working as a group task.
The 180° rule is a basic guideline in film making that states that two characters which in this task it took place where me (Aneta) and the other character (Simona) was sitting opposite eachother behind the table looking at each other and as a task we had to include a short dialogue which we had to come up with as a group. The rule was used once but for a little while which shows that the characters are talking to eachother and keeping the eye line in place.

Final Piece (LONG WINTER)

This is the final piece called Long Winter that we have produced. We have been working on it for the past few months and we hope that you will enjoy it while watching it.

The editing of the movie has been done by Amanda Cornhill in order to create the meaning so it easier for the audience the understand the movie and to make the movie look a lot better.
The sound has been done by Aneta Lopuszynska the purpose of this was to give an extra meaning to the movie and create some sort of the atmosphere so when watching it its easier to understand the genre and everything that links with it.

Test Shoot

This is the test shoot that we have produced as a group. This was so that we were able to test the equipment that we were going to be using during our actual final filiming, as well as  checking whether the actors were good enough to use when we were to do our actual filming. As  you will be able to see the location is different comparing to the one we have used for our final piece because we have decided that the location was too far away for us to travel with our equiment and therefore we had to change it. Also you can see the picture is very dark because we have filmed it late in the evening (around 8 pm), due to thinking that by having this effect it would suit the genre better. However, it didn't work out too well so we realised what mistakes we had made and decided that we need to improve and come up with a better way of filiming our actual shoot in order for our movie to be good and successful. There are some positive points that can be pointed out such as:
  • we were able to get a use of how to use the camera correctly
  • see what angles looked good when filming to keep the story interesting
  • What lighting we could use
  • How well we communicated as a group with not just ourselves but with the people we took on to be our actors, using the skills that we already had.
Posted By ANETA