Thursday 7 April 2011

Make up and Costume Research

Scene 1.

  • Candles to create the romantic mood and provide ambient lighting for the scene.
  • Clothing consists only of casual wear for Alex and Amanda.
The scene being as short as it is and being set in a normal house, not many props are required other than what is already there.

Scene 2.

  • Run Down Shed, set up in the camping area. This will be there Alex is sitting as his hide out so keep himself hidden from the Cannibal Attackers.
  • Torch, Not used for extra light as it will be shot during the day time. Just to be used as a prop used within the scene.
  • Old broken Television. Alex will be sitting on this object when he is looking at the Old Weathered Photo.
  • Old Weathered Photo Alex's girlfriend (Amanda Cornhill), taken of her as a memory so he can remember her by. Dirtied and ripped, the photo is made to look significantly old.
  • Air Riffle, As a prop to show that he is protecting himself against any attacks  that happen.
  • Old and Empty Food Cans placed around the campsite to give the impression of scavenging and survival.
  • A hammer, used by the cannibal to give impression that  he is dangerous when it  is coming to attacking people.

All of the characters will have assorted costume consisting of,
  • Comfortable foot wear (trainers) used so that he is able to run away if there is any danger present.
  • Camouflage Jeans. Dirtied and scruffy to show that they have been used for a long time.
  • Large Jackets and/or Jumpers with hoods attached, also dirtied and weathered for the same effect.
  • Scarf to show that he is trying to hid his identity and to keep himself warm. This will give mixed messages to the audience in the film introduction. It gives the impression that there is reason to wear scarf, possibility of disease or some other kind of danger.
Done by Amanda

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