Thursday 7 April 2011

2 Opening Scene Analysis

28 Days Later
We have chose to look at the opening of 28 days later and base it on our 2 minutes opening because we thought it delivers a similar message across to the audience. However this is not the only opening we looked at. The other one is Dawn of The Dead which is analysed at the bottom. 
The scene opens with a male character who moved forward in time as the title of the movie suggests 28 days later. He finds himself in the middle of the town where everything is smashed and destroyed on the floor. He is isolated and there is no presence of any human and this links with our opening scene as the character is also isolated. This is a perfect example of how we wanted our project to look like and interest our audience by creating a similar theme which links with this opening.    
The camera uses different shots and angles such as the wide shot showing the character in the isolated place to show the area and situation that this character find himself in. The editing helps to create the meaning which is more clear for the audience when watching it such as fast cuts to show some action and the area where the main character is. There are subheadings used at the beginning of the scene along with the pictures to explain it a little more so the audience can  understand it and the message can be delivered to them. 
There is diegetic and non diegetic sound used in the scene. Diegetic sound is when the man is shouting and the echo comes back right at him this suggest how he is alone at that time and there is no one to answer him back.  Non diegetic sound is used to create a meaning and set the atmosphere this is the music in the background played which was slow motion so the audience can feel like they are playing a part in the movie. 
The mise- en -scene such as costume of the main character is a hospital clothing the connotation of it might be that that he might be mentally disturbed or that he just came out of the hospital. 
Done By Aneta

Dawn of The Dead

Camera shots are used throughout the whole clip where we establish who the characters are and so we can tell the difference between the infected people and the normal surviving people. A number of different shots are used such as: medium shot (showing the characters), long shot (establishing the settings of which the film is bases, shopping mall, car park and what seems to be the Presidents house), close up (showing the facial expression of one particular character, representing the emotions of that character).
The clip was edited really well, by this i mean it was cut together very quickly so the shots are only seen for a very short period of time. This keeps the audience engaged with what is going on because of how interesting it appears to be. Also with the very quick editing it keeps up the fear, danger and tense elements building so that it reaches its peak which really grabs the audience to want to watch it. They also used 'Wipe Cuts' to cut from one place to another showing the difference in location to the viewers, this keeps the clip interesting as it isn't just the same sort of stuff over and over again, this is also shown by 'Jump Cuts' too.

Mise - En - Scene shows varied elements that make up this whole clip. From lighting, costume and make up, location and props.

  • Lighting, was quite dark in the clip shown above. This could show that it is getting later in to the evening time and that they have been there for quite some time, also showing that they may want it to be dark so that they are not properly seen by the diseased humans meaning that they are trying to hide.
  • Location/Setting are in two - three different places in the clip which are a car park, shopping mall and what looks to be the President of America's house. This shows the audience that they are located all around one particular area representing that they may not be able to escape or flee due to the infected people. 
  • Costumes are similar in each character, casual wear. This shows that they may not have been planning to stay where they are (shopping mall) for a very long time as over a period of time we notice they are always wearing the same thing, and can also see this by the clothes getting dirty and full of the characters sweat. Each costume has a slight difference to show the personality of themselves. For example there is a character (President) wearing a suit, which suggests he is of a high authority to the country that is not just shown by his name but by his appearance too.
  • The Make up of the cast if very minimal as they do not really have much time to care about how they look due to the fact that they need to try and keep themselves alive and not eaten by the infected people. It is only really used just to highlight some of the characters features but due to sweating and being dirty it doesn't really matter if they were to wear a lot of it.
  • The main props that are used are guns, this shows that they are trying to protect themselves from being attacked. It also shows that they are thinking about their safety more importantly their own before the other members of the survival group. Other props are not really seen in the clip therefore i have only mentioned the gun.

Done By Amanda

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