Thursday 7 April 2011

Preliminary Task

Posted By AMANDA
Amanda Cornhill
Lastasha Reece - Lewis

Ash Khan

Kyle Slatter
This is my Preliminary task. As a group we had to film a character walking from one side of the door, to the other side where they then sit down and engage in a conversation with another character. This meant that dialogue had to be present in our piece of work.
We were also given a challenge which we had to include, this is known as  the 180 degree rule.

This is a rule which was created so that when there are two characters present within a scene were to look as though they had a good relationship with the camera from left and right. The camera was not allowed to go on to the oposite side of the semi-circle as this wouldnt keep the same effect throughout the scene. If this did happen, then it wouldnt keep the story running smoothly and it would create some confusion to the audience.
This rule was based on keeping the eye - to - eye matching at all time, which was to be done in every shot that was taken so that it always looked as though we were enaged in a conversation and not to someone else who wasnt in the scene.
As i was one of the characters that was present in the filiming of our Perliminary Task, there were a few things in which i found hard.
What i found hard about the Preliminary Task
Was that as i was one of the characters who appeared in it, it was very hard to try and improvise what i was to say, as having dialogue was compulsory. Also what i found hard was trying to make my eyes look as though they were always in the right direction for each shot it consists of.
What i liked about the Perliminary Task
However what i found enjoyable was that it showed me i was able to work we within a team, as well as coming up with good ideas that could have been used. This showed that i could be creative and helpful when i am needed not just for my own benefit but for the group that i was in. I was also able to have while filming which made me more relaxed when it came to actually shooting the specific shots of myself.

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